Chillichap's Review - Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat Comedy Horror Western Movie - David Carradine, Morgan Brittany - A Film I've Just Seen

Hello! When I logged onto YouTube today, a vampire-related movie caught my attention. I decided to give it a try since I love anything vamp-related. In 1987, The Lost Boys became one of my favorite vampire films. Up until that point, most vampire films were serious and followed the classic dusty Hammer style, with an eternal battle between the Prince of Darkness and his arch-nemesis Van Helsing. The Lost Boys introduced elements of humor and brought a new focus to the horror genre. Since then, vampire films have never been the same.

The film begins with a Star Wars-type scrolling narrative that explains how vampires have had to evolve. Their savior, the powerful and righteous Count Mardulak, (I can't see any anagrams there...) has led the vampires out West. By using sunblock, UV-A glasses, and feeding on synthesized blood, they can learn to live in harmony with humans.

We then meet the Harrisons, an American family with two young daughters. One of the girls has an unhealthy fascination with vampires. The family is going on vacation to Purgatory, where the father hopes his daughter will shake off her obsession with vampires.

When they arrive in Purgatory, they encounter three old hillbilly-type characters who are clearly vampires. They turn out to be the Bisby brothers and are sitting at a gas station in the shade, wearing sun cream, shades, and gloves. A joyrider in a jeep approaches, and one of the vampires, Mort (played by the excellent E Emmet Walsh), says, "That's the guy who's going to save Purgatory." Fortunately, the joyrider is not the one who will save Purgatory, as he is a bit rude to Mort, who swipes his head off. One of the other vampires, Merle (played by Sunshine Parker), has to go to town to explain to their boss Ethan Jefferson (John Ireland) what happened. Mort is to be sent to jail.

Little do the old vampires know that their murder of the joyrider was witnessed by the friends of the deceased, who are camping nearby. They're not sure what to do or who will believe them, so they decide to visit the sheriff in Purgatory. They soon discover that the town is teeming with vampires, and the story cuts to vampire scientists who are trying to keep the vampire's supply of synthesized blood going.

The Harrison family is treated like celebrities upon their arrival in Purgatory. David (Jim Metzler), the father, is a scientist who can potentially solve the vampires' synthesized blood problem and is therefore seen as the potential savior of Purgatory. The Harrisons stop at a convenience store to grab some provisions before heading to their temporary home, and there's a comical moment where they ask the aged proprietors for garlic, as they intend to make spaghetti. Meanwhile, the young couple who witnessed their friend's murder also arrive in Purgatory and see Quinton, the sheriff (John Hancock), with Mort. They tell the sheriff that Mort murdered their friend, but unfortunately, the sheriff is a vampire too and puts them in an adjoining to Mort.

The Harrison's house in Purgatory is opposite a large mansion owned by Count Mardulak (David Caradine). The music changes at this point and becomes a little more creepy and the plot is darker. Two more things happen. A stranger arrives on the outskirts of Purgatory and his car breaks down. This is clearly Robert Van Helsing (Bruce Campbell). Meanwhile, in a tree, two vampire bats are talking about their grand plan - 'we strike tomorrow'.One of the bats says he's off to do something. He flies into Sarah Harrison's bedroom and briefly takes human form before the two daughters disturb him and he flies away. The animation here is very Ray Harryhausen-like and I love it because I grew up with it until the likes of Star Wars and Superman came along and changed special effects forever.

Ethan goes to another town and offers a teenage couple immortality, turning them into vampires. The three fly back to purgatory in bat form. He tells them they must fight for one night for him. They enter a cave and Ethan introduces them to his army of vampires who intend to attack Purgatory.

After a long walk, a beleaguered Van Helsing arrives at the gas station. He talks to the two remaining Bisby brothers asking for directions to Purgatory. They deny all knowledge of it and are very unhelpful, so Van Helsing starts walking again. In the Harrison household, Sarah complains she was nearly raped by a vampire. David tells his family they watch too many horror movies. David goes to see the scientists. He meets Shane Dennis (Maxwell Caulfield-Grease 2, The Colbys). He looks very much like the vampire who appeared briefly in Sarah's bedroom. Shane is an old colleague of David's, who it turns out had a fling with Sarah behind David's back There is clear animosity between the two men. David finds out that Shane requested him to come to Purgatory to fix the synthesised blood problem. 

The movie continues to become darker and menacing with fewer comedy moments. Van Helsing arrives at the town diner and is instantly attracted to the waitress Sandy (Deborah Foreman). Van Helsing is interrogated by the sheriff and told to move on. He speaks to Alice and shows her a photo, which Sandy reveals is Count Mardulak, and secretly hands him a note for them to meet. Van Helsing leaves and Sandy is then interrogated by the sheriff. It's revealed she was only turned into a vampire six months ago. Back at the lab, things get nasty between Shane and David, when David reveals why the blood synthesis has gone wrong. Shane beats David up and reveals that he plans to get Sarah back. Alice visits the jail and Mort openly says that the two campers there will either be killed or turned into vampires like Mardulak did to Shane!

Back at the Harrison's house, the kids find a secret passage leading to Mardulak's mansion and see him in his coffin. Mardulak speaks to Sarah and explains he was standing by his mother's coffin when the kids arrived. Sandy meets Van Helsing away from town. Back in Purgatory, the synthesised blood is a success, but Ethan stirs up the vampires in the cafe rekindling everyone's thoughts about having human blood. Sandy and Van Helsing have a picnic and Van Helsing realises she's a vampire. He's about to kill her, but she says she won't bite and just wants to kiss a man again. They are disturbed by a siren and look over a ridge to see the sheriff meeting with Shane. Shane has a ton of crates and won't reveal to contents to the sheriff. Ethan turns up and Shane shoots the sheriff dead with a wooden-tipped bullet. Sandy realises there's a rebellion and must warn Mardulak.

Back in Purgatory, David confronts Sarah over her fling. It transpires one of his daughters may not be his. David says he's leaving. Outside the Jail, the hungry town vampires have gathered, licking their lips at the two campers. Mardulak arrives and tells them all to back off. Meanwhile, the two girls go into the convenience store and the youngest girl tells the old lady about a dream she had about vampires. Shane is there and overhears this.. David and Sarah spot their girls' bikes in Mardulak's boot and follow him back to his mansion. Van Helsing and Sandy break into Mardulak's mansion. In the vampire cave, Ethan gets all the vampires ready for action with firearms loaded with wooden bullets. It's all happening.

Back at Mardulak's mansion, the Harrison family is invited in to discuss their daughter's dream which reveals Ethan's rebellion. Van Helsing crashes into Mardulak's living room and swears to kill him, as his father tried. Mardulak sees that Sandy is in love with Van Helsing and he nods at her. Next is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a vampire film as Van Helsing is bitten unsuspectingly (who saw that coming?). The Harrisons try and leave, but run into the rebellion. A massacre of the town vampires ensues. The survivors hole up in the lab. Back at Mardaluk's mansion Van Helsing wakes up and realises he's a vampire (his crucifix burning his chest is a slight clue!). There's a shootout at the lab and they manage to inform Mardulak what's happening. He gathers his heavies and they set off for town. 

Meanwhile, the Harrisons have made it to a bridge leaving Purgatory, but Shane turns up to claim Sarah and his daughter. Mardulak arrives, but so does the rebellion There's another shootout and David puts his wife and daughters on a horse. They escape with Shane in hot pursuit. The survivors from the lab arrive and have outflanked Ethan who tells the rebellion to surrender. Back at the Harrison's home in Purgatory, the young girls hide in the secret passage, leaving Sarah to deal with Shane. Outside the battle with the rebellion has erupted again and some of the surviving townsfolk go into Mardulak's mansion. David rushes off to try and save Sarah.

I'm going to stop there because I don't want to ruin the ending for you. I really enjoyed this film and would definitely watch it again. It's got a good storyline that is probably 50:50 comedy and horror. It's not too scary for old wusses like me. What I like most about this film is that it's populated by older actors, many of whom are near the end of their careers. It's a delightful slice of cinema with various twists to keep you guessing. 

Thanks for reading

Matt AKA Chillichap


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