Chillichap's Review - The Zombie King Comedy Horror Movie - Edward Furlong, Corey Feldman, George McClusky - A Film I've Just Watched


Guess what, I'm at it again-diving headfirst into the rabbit hole of YouTube's movie recommendations. I seem to be on a bit of a roll with comedy horrors which kinda slap you in the face before they apply a nice soothing balm afterwards. How do I feel about zombies? They're scary and seem relentless in their pursuit of us humans. Their hunger doesn't ever seem to be satisfied (a bit like me on a midnight fridge raid). This said I penned a collection of poems titled 'Zombie Apocalypse Poems Book I'. It chronicles the hilariously macabre events of a chap (it could be me) who retains his conscience when he becomes a zombie:-

The film starts off with three guys-Munch (Rowe David McClelland) a milkman, Ed (George McClusky) a postman, and Boris (Michael Gamarano Singleton) a parking warden who are hiding from a group of zombies led by The Zombie King (Edward Furlong) who is riding a motorcycle. A young zombie girl finds them and the milkman throws a milk bottle at her head and they escape. These guys are very down-to-earth Brits who swear a lot. The milkman asks Ed where he learned his survival skills and he says his first job was delivering post in Newcastle. Boris is a bit of a prat and keeps going AWOL and climbing trees. He even puts a parking ticket on an abandoned car.

The film pans back to a scene where The Zombie King's wife is dying in hospital (they both appear human at this stage). Later he tells a doctor that it was his fault she died, but we don't know why. 

In town, the three guys meet three more survivors. They say the government has closed the whole town down and shut down the borders. They reluctantly follow the three other guys to their camp which is a barn. Something is following them. Inside the barn are other survivors armed with wooden steaks. They say the newcomers can stay a while, but then something arrives outside and the survivors shut themselves in the barn. They all decide the barn isn't safe and they plan to leave. One says the army shot her friends and the whole county is in quarantine. They all form an alliance. One of the ladies in the barn has a bit of a thing for Munch and seems to be a nymphomaniac. They sit and all tell their zombies of their initial zombie encounters. One of the other male survivors Simo (Seb Castang) is heard talking to the army on a walkie talkie and he tells them that all the survivors are uninfected. His instructions are to kill them, but he won't comply. 

The next day the survivors leave the barn and are soon pursued by zombies. Ed takes a shotgun off a zombie and fires it, bringing more zombies to their location including The Zombie King on his motorcycle. They escape across a field and it gets dark. The moon has red across it. Daylight arrives and the survivors cross a cornfield. Boris goes missing and zombies chase them through the cornfield and they arrive at a graveyard. They enter the church and meet Father Lawrence (Jon Campling). He's drunk and says only getting salt into the zombie bloodstream can save them, quoting what happens in Voodoo. The only other way is to give the zombie a massive brain hemorrhage. The survivors decide to go scavaging for weapons to help them survive the night in the church. They get salt from a bakery and lose one of their party to a zombie.  Meanwhile one of the ladies kills Simo with a stake believing he means them all harm. 

Darkness falls and the remaining survivors ready themselves. The moon has gone red. Ed gives Munch milk bottles with salt in. The vicar is still drunk but the survivors ask him for help. He explains that  Samuel before he became the Zombie King, summoned Kalfu Corey Feldman) a voodoo god to bring his wife back from the dead. He buried her ashes as a temple opposite the church. The Vicar said that once the full red moon had risen, all the dead would rise again. The survivors battle through the zombies to get to the temple.

I'm going to stop there, as I don't want to ruin the ending for you. On the whole, I enjoyed this film. The zombies in it are quite scary, but you don't see a lot of the Zombie King or what he's capable of. I guess all he really wants is to resurrect his lost wife. My favourite character is Ed the Postman, with Munch, the milkman a close second. Corey Felman's portrayal of Kalfu is dark and menacing, but he doesn't appear till right near the end. The film has a ton of great comedy moments and is worth a watch for anyone liking this genre. Watch it right till the end through some of the credits because there's a nice unexpected twist.

Thanks for reading

Matt AKA Chillichap


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