Chillichap's World: Does A.I. & Fake News Spell Disaster for Social Media? What can we Trust & Will Books & Libraries Make a Comeback?

Chillichap’s World: Navigating AI & Fake News in Social Media — A Quest for Trust and the Renaissance of Books & Libraries

AI & Fake News: A Societal Examination and the Shift in Social Media’s Zeitgeist — The Power to Reclaim Control.

A Copilot AI-generated picture

It Started with BREXIT

Let me tell you when this journey of asking these questions started for me. It all circled around BREXIT which is an abbreviation for Britain’s Exit From the European Union. I won’t go into this too much, suffice it to say that the eventual vote polarised the UK. I was on the fence at the beginning and honestly could see the pros and cons of leaving/staying. I found myself confused and when I started watching various TV programmes, visiting social media sites, or even reading newspapers, I became even more confused. Key ‘facts’ were being debunked regularly and we (the British public) were told it was all fake news. I realised that the people in power were trying to influence my decision. This has been going on for as long as mankind can talk, but for me, the proverbial penny finally dropped. I realised I was being manipulated and the only thing of value that I had was my vote and NOT really my opinion. I felt like a sheep.

Why A.I. Is So Worrying

Fast forward from BREXIT and all its shenanigans to today. Along comes AI or artificial intelligence. Another great invention that mankind has developed to help us. We have computers solving problems like they’re people, only much quicker with vast amounts of data at their disposal. They seem better at making decisions than us. BUT AI is being exploited. Videos, Art, News, Music, and other content are being generated and we can’t tell if it contains real people or has been created by the original artists. See below:-

A Copliot AI-generated image 

I asked an AI program to fuse the Mona Lisa with Picasso's art. This whole process took less than 10 seconds and to be honest, I think it’s beautiful.

News articles are popping up on social media sites and they’re fake-designed by AI and all seemingly credible. You start to wonder just what is real. AI engines are managing to produce videos where you can substitute a whole different person for another. I saw a video on X using voice cloning technology that demonstrated what Adolf Hitler’s famous Krupp Factory Speech in 1935 would’ve sounded like in English.

So What Happens Next?

Well, when enough people realise what’s going on with the manipulation of social media, the zeitgeist (that’s how the whole population regards something) will change. I believe that people will start to mistrust what they’re reading and seeing. The only thing they can do is turn the plug off and go back to good old-fashioned books. Libraries, I believe, will get a well-needed boost and revitalisation-probably fused with coffee shops (so the Billionaires can maintain their lifestyles). This won’t be a Luddite revolution, but just the public taking back control.

I’m literally touching the surface here. What about AI I hear you ask. This is a decision for Governments. How far do they let AI develop before it’s completely in charge and we’re redundant? What will we do as a species? Can we live in harmony with our creations? It’s all food for thought.

Thanks for reading

Matt AKA Chillichap


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